As I have been duped

When I began to cook, I need to have some equipment, that? To dá rozum. So is complemented by ideas and lack, be a problem with where it lingers. I have to behave economically, I think,, That is the attitude. And now I've been duped economically.

I always think over everything, sometimes obhlížím, until finally everything change my mind and cancel the action. I call it intellectual version. But I know very well, that, when I am circling around something somehow suspiciously often, in fact and in spirit, and falls cage and go for it. hoho, It is nebezpečné.

I'll try drinks. sultry, so I need a mixer. The rod is a good helper, but I would like something a little more mixerovatějšího, I thought. And as recently starred idea, that'll delight.

I ran over and bum. I chose mixer, which is also beater, it fits. Not too big, just right, it fits.

What about this?

Mixer with whisk
Mixer Zelmer 481.7









Thank the, try it.

That I brought a bit different from the one shown in the supersized e-shop, It was not immediately discern, taky tam budou mít poznámku jako na billboardech Hyundai, že fotka je ilustrativní, takže ergo kladívko, model, který vidíte nemusí vizuálně souhlasit s faktickou nabídkou. But that's understandable, mainly, that's the model and functional. It has or does not have a freckle, It already plays a major role.

The inscription on the billboard
Fotka je jenom ilustrativní, tak můžete být překvapeni…

Instruction is eurounijní, so I bought whisk, while the same purchases as the Slovak mixer, neřkuli, that actually all around us and a little farther have mixer. Except for Hungarians, but they will always elude, even with his háztartási kézirobot and Germansmixer, byť tím si tak jistý nejsem. Poles have mixer, ale to Vi i googl, that mixer in Polish mixer, while Czech whisk Google treats for whisk in Polish, although our Poles š aC do not, no, nevadí… Vot technika!

Operating seems simple.

mixing bowl, So the top of the mixer has something of a bayonet, it known, that, but this should shoot. At least the air. Transparent plastic packs through the transparent container not much to see. That those paws could be colored, It occurred to anyone. So it finally managed to seize the directions and the beater by the handle and turn the mixing container clockwise until it stops. The stop is not held! damn, container is našišato! I try again and again. I'm such lempl, that such a simple thing can not handle? On the body of the mixer it is apparent rotation clockwise. Plastic is plastic. Why are the scars, Why fray? At least in this filing. First think of the road salt, to us from Poland offered to kitchen, Salmonella on chicken and on odd feeling, that all of Poland will be schlock. Generally, an it will probably true, but so far panic and I guess, How long will this Polish mixer to use it according to the instructions before I leave ecologically disposed.

The container is not transparent
Průhledná nádobka je vlastně neprůhledná, takže se musíte spoléhat na to, jak nasazení dopadne…


Třikrát a dost! Ani opatrná manipulace nezábrání první destrukci.

That I went into it! Pravda, It was again an expensive toy, and probably actually certainly true, že nejsme nikdy tak bohatí, we were buying cheap bastards. My economy, I certainly expensive time, this finding works like carbon to disinfect wounds. I was cured and it is clear, What I will avoid arc.


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