Chilli s černými fazolemi pro poručíka Columba

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Fast food, Columbo would certainly rejoiced. In this series, he ate nepočítaněkrát. But when preparing beware of essential ingredients - chilli. Do not be generous, otherwise you prepare food hell. The chili is it just like fire - a good servant, bad master. Even in the kitchen pays everything in moderation, and then separately with chilli.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Fast food, Columbo would certainly rejoiced. In this series, he ate nepočítaněkrát. But when preparing beware of essential ingredients - chilli. Do not be generous, otherwise you prepare food hell. The chili is it just like fire - a good servant, bad master. Even in the kitchen pays everything in moderation, and then separately with chilli.
Chilli s černými fazolemi pro poručíka Columba
How do you:
  1. Fry the bacon over medium heat in a pan with thick bottom. Bacon should be crispy. Add finely chopped onion and finely chopped garlic and sauté, to onions vitrified.
  2. Add the mince and fry. If we have excess fat in the pan, Drain or remove with a spoon. Cook then on medium heat, přidáme koření, lautered beans and tomatoes. Once the effect var, reduce heat and simmer gently for about 20 minutes. Let it bubble through and occasionally toss.
  3. Serve with sour cream and grated cheddar or noodles.

Chicken with lemon scent

Pokud neholdujete kombinaci sladkého a slaného, zkuste tuhle variantu – slané a kyselé. Hlavní roli hraje citron, takže si jistě umíte představit, jak bude výsledek chutnat.

Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
It seems difficult, but not so. Bake the chicken in the pan and then in the oven. If you have an oven, where it fits in the pan, not a problem. If you have an extra pan, oven that does not matter, it is allright. Otherwise, just the easy movement of roasted meat from the frying pan into the baking dish.
Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
It seems difficult, but not so. Bake the chicken in the pan and then in the oven. If you have an oven, where it fits in the pan, not a problem. If you have an extra pan, oven that does not matter, it is allright. Otherwise, just the easy movement of roasted meat from the frying pan into the baking dish.
Chicken with lemon scent
How do you:
  1. Troubu předehřejeme na 200 °C. Mix 1 lžíci olivového oleje, hořčici, lemon zest, oregano, thyme and salt in a bowl.
  2. Then spread the mixture on the chicken thighs. Fingers rub the mixture into the thighs. It's not very good, but still after a while the mixture on the meat sticks. Let it rest for a while.
  3. In a large bowl, whisk together chicken broth, lemon juice and lemon zest; aside the. If you want lemon chicken lightly ovonět, just add the juice of half a lemon.
  4. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat, Fry until golden brown chicken thighs. I guess 6 minutes each side. Add the chicken broth. Switch off and let it bubble up to the minute stock.
  5. Thighs, and with the stock Transfer to baking dish (if you pan, which can withstand oven, you do not bother with this one intermediate step) and bake at 150 almost 30 minutes. If you want to have more legs baked, enough juice to lose and still leave in the oven 15 minutes. But to watch your, the meat to dry out.
  6. Serve with potatoes or rice.

Greece salad | Celebration classics in Rytm flamenco

Řecký salát je populární součást řecké kuchyně. Připravuje se z hrubě nasekaných kusů rajčat, nakrájené okurky, cibule, sýru feta a oliv, běžně se pak dochucuje solí a oreganem a zalévá olivovým olejem. Nic komplikovaného, je to rychlá záležitost. Má řadu variant, protože záleží na chuti. Jamie Oliver do něho například přidává i čerstvý kopr, což leckomu nadzvedne obočí. Někdy můžete přidat i trochu citronové šťávy nebo vinný ocet. Můžete do něho zamíchat i natrhaný římský salát nebo zelenou papriku. Každopádně je to salát efektní a moc chutný.

Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 10 minutes
Greeks not matter, that this my salad has a little Spanish pedigree - Spanish olives, Spanish Spanish tomatoes and vinegar and Spanish olive oil. This band adds Italian onions, Dutch cucumber and bell pepper Moroccan. Greek note plays original Greek feta cheese and fact, it is a Greek recipe.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 10 minutes
Greeks not matter, that this my salad has a little Spanish pedigree - Spanish olives, Spanish Spanish tomatoes and vinegar and Spanish olive oil. This band adds Italian onions, Dutch cucumber and bell pepper Moroccan. Greek note plays original Greek feta cheese and fact, it is a Greek recipe.
Greece salad | Celebration classics in Rytm flamenco
How do you:
  1. Chopped vegetables in a bowl, add a little salt and a little pepper, add the diced feta, pour oil and season with red wine vinegar. Add the oregano and mix gently.
  2. Let it sit for a while, to taste interlink, summer salad is good to keep cool.
    Klasický řecký salát

Beef with mushrooms and green peas

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
100 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
100 minutes
Chuť je asi nejlepší kuchař. Volba padla na dušené hovězí s rýží. Chce trochu víc času, ale bude to stát nejenom za ochutnání.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
100 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
100 minutes
Chuť je asi nejlepší kuchař. Volba padla na dušené hovězí s rýží. Chce trochu víc času, ale bude to stát nejenom za ochutnání.
Beef with Mushrooms
How do you:
  1. Bacon into small cubes, osmahneme a pak přidáme drobně nakrájenou žlutou cibuli a půlměsíčky cibule červené. Přidáme plátky masa, které jsme naklepali, osolili a opepřili. Osmahneme z obou stran. Když se maso zatáhne, přidáme bobkový list a snítku rozmarýnu. Po chvíli zalijeme trochou horké vody, stáhneme teplotu, zakryjeme a dusíme. Počítejte určitě s hodinkou a půl, aby maso bylo úžasně měkké.
  2. Na másle orestujeme žampiony, přidáme hrášek po 2 minutách trochu teplé vody, zakryjeme a vše podusíme 10 minutes. Přidáme k masu.
  3. Mouku rozmícháme v troše vody, pak ji přidáme k dušenému masu a chvilku povaříme. Teplotu stáhneme a necháme dojít. Uvaříme rýži.
  4. Podáváme s rýží.