Simple homemade salsa | Food not only for pipes
Rajčatová salsa
Suitable certainly for making stew or savory sauces. And as a side dish to meat. My only this time we will not in any way dip (though a bit'm kidding), but the salsa will deal differently.
Prep Time
Prep Time
Passive Time
How do you:
  1. Tomatoes cut into smaller pieces.
  2. Chop the garlic and add to the tomatoes.
  3. Cut the onion into fine pieces and add to the bowl.
  4. Add the parsley and chilli flakes.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.
  6. mix well. We put in a plastic box and refrigerate at least overnight.
Recipe Notes

Wikipedia says:
Salsa is the Spanish and Italian general term for sauce. V mexické kuchyni označuje specifickou pikantní omáčku vyrobenou z různých druhů zeleniny a ovoce (nejčastěji z rajčat či kukuřice), která je určena k namáčení tortilly nebo různých chipsů, případně k dochucení rozličných pokrmů. Recept na salsu je znám už ze spisů z období aztécké říše a v nespočetných obměnách se používá dodnes. Pokud jde o pikantnost, Mexican salsa is prepared and sold in execution from mild through medium to hot, tedy od jemné přes střední až po pálivou.
Ale pozor:
There are two types of salsa - salsa from fresh tomatoes and salsa cooked tomatoes.
A také:
Salsa is the Spanish designation of the word "sauce" and the world is already routinely cope synonymous with tomato sauce on the basis of, usually spicy and especially typical for Mexican cuisine. Salsa is used as a dip - ie for dipping chips or other snacks. In Latin America there are many variations of this sauce, the tomatoes are mixed for example with mango, pineapple, corn or avocado.
So it kind of takes over.
Recipes on the net is a pile, be sure to choose the, you have tasted and you will taste.