Cajunské rybí file | Česká rekonstrukce tradičního jídla

Cajun cuisine is also described as rustic, I would say, it also pretty wild. It is a cuisine of southern Louisiana with strong French and Creole influences. But it is not a direct inheritance from the days, When Louisiana belonged to France. Based on the traditions of the francophone population in the area of ​​today's eastern Quebec, Canada. How did she get so south? According to available sources, when English Canada did order after its, resettled people from Acadie in Acadiana. It was during the Seven Years War, when Louisiana was still king in Madrid and north again in London. it Is, it is tangled. And if you do not name Acadie somehow suspiciously familiar, pak proto, the explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, The Florentine in the service of King Francis I. francouského, named after the area north from Virginia after the Greek Arcadia. This could also be interpreted as “refuge” or “idyllic place”. After years dropped from the name of the letter “r” and finally they had the original areas “fall out” i Cajunové. With the permission of the Spanish governor got up south Louisiana and it, a couple of years Spaniards secretly handed over the territory of France and then sold it to the Americans, that's really the icing on the cake historic Goulash.

So after this taste of history still tasting recipe.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Než se pustíte do přípravy file, nachystejte si marinovaná rajčátka a dejte vařit brambory na přípravu šťouchaných, pak už to jde ráz na ráz. V receptu původně vystupovala tilapie (dá už se koupit i unás), ale tu jsem při rychlém nákupu zaměnil za file z aljašské tresky. Můžete určitě sánout po filetech z aljašské treky, pokud nechcete mít na talíři čtverce, ale tvar ryby.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Než se pustíte do přípravy file, nachystejte si marinovaná rajčátka a dejte vařit brambory na přípravu šťouchaných, pak už to jde ráz na ráz. V receptu původně vystupovala tilapie (dá už se koupit i unás), ale tu jsem při rychlém nákupu zaměnil za file z aljašské tresky. Můžete určitě sánout po filetech z aljašské treky, pokud nechcete mít na talíři čtverce, ale tvar ryby.
Cajunské rybí file | Česká rekonstrukce tradičního jídla
How do you:
  1. Smícháme papriku, chilli, pepper, salt, česnek a tymián.
    Koření smícháme
  2. File posypeme z každé strany směsí koření.
    File obalíme
  3. Opečeme z obou stran na oleji s máslem (na středí teplotě), z každé tak 3 until 4 minuty.
  4. Oboustranně opečeme
  5. Podáváme s jednoduchými šťouchanými bramborami a marinovaným rajčátky.
    Podáváme s brambory a rajčátky

Tento recept navazuje na marinovaná rajčátka (ta připravíte za 30 minutes) a jednoduché šťouchané brambory (dejte jim také 30 minutes). U rajčátek strávíte asi 10 minut a pak už jen čekáte na marinování, u brambor je čekání napřed, při vaření brambor, pak už je to otázka pár minut.

Cod with fresh tomato salsa | Filé je milé

Again, someone will want to dust coat, I'm talking about cod and yet is in the recipe fillets. Fillet of Alaskan cod. So it's not cod or haddock? But these pseudopůtky throw his head. Clearly, I could go to a seafood store and get a bang as such, It would be then another, only, What if I just fillets? He has? Clearly, you can prepare this recipe both, so everyone has a choice.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Baked potatoes, fillets and fresh tomato salsa, to je to, what was going. Food, that is done in a few minutes.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Baked potatoes, fillets and fresh tomato salsa, to je to, what was going. Food, that is done in a few minutes.
Cod with fresh tomato salsa | Filé je milé
Baked potatoes
How do you:
  1. wash potatoes, leave unpeeled. Where greater, We can be cut into quarters. pour oil, add spices and salt.
    Brambory s olejeme
  2. mix well, to potato mixture wrapped.
    Koření s bramborami
  3. We put them in a baking dish (better working it, But when you choose a baking sheet with baking paper, never hurts). Pečeme v předehřáté troubě na 210 almost 20 until 25 minutes. In the middle of baking potatoes mix (just shake baking dish).
    Brambory upečeme
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the tomato salsa. Cherry tomatoes cut into eighths at least, finely chop garlic, Add the finely chopped shallots and pour lemon juice. Add salt and mix. During the preparation of the next step, salsa, stir several times.
  5. Fillet of cod with salt, pokmínujeme, add Provencal herbs and drizzle with oil. Pieces of fish, then sprinkle with flour.
  6. In a skillet to warm up the oil and butter steak fry on medium heat, tak asi 5 minutes each side.
  7. Serve steak with roasted potatoes, tomato salsa and you can decorate with basil leaves.
    Podáváme se salsou, brambory a zdobené bazalkou

Fish fillet with mashed potatoes | Twice classic

I love surprises, in America, you enjoy Americans incredible power, especially, when they are surprised by, what in Europe we consider it absolutely normal. Tak třeba z filé dokáží našlehat naprosto seběvědomě i s doporučením, that this recipe, who are going, They teach people to cook from the garden of a mermaid in Brooklyn.

Thank the, end fun.

Let's go into fillets, fried in butter.

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2 osoby
2 osoby
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself.
Votes: 1
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2 osoby
2 osoby
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself.
Fish fillet with mashed potatoes | Twice classic
Prepare fillets
Prepare mashed potatoes
How do you:
  1. Fillets osolíme a opepříme. And if you have a boarder, which requires a dose of his cumin, He still indulge.
  2. Heat the pan with thick bottom, and when the pan is hot enough, add oil to it. After a moment, put on the pan fish fillets. We reduce temperature to medium and saute about so 3 minuty. Then add butter to fillet. We cook on both sides for a few minutes.
  3. Serve with mashed potatoes, garnished with chopped parsley leaf.
  4. Boil potatoes in salted water, cut into small cubes. It is good potatoes before cooking and rinsed several times to get rid of the starch. Once potatoes are soft, Pour off the water and mash potatoes. Pour the heated milk and stir as needed. A serving of porridge can douse dripping from fillets or just add a bit of butter.