Šťouchané brambory tety Barbory


Such ordinary meal, that we have from that dizzy. I reach for them always, when I've exhausted all attachments and certain foods simply sit. Without them, it's different, why not? But with them it is different!

Spring onion is fragile, potatoes makes an interesting effect, addition, potato flavor that is refreshing and is thereby shifted to a higher league.
Spring onion is fragile, potatoes makes an interesting effect, addition, potatoes that taste is refreshing and moves them into the higher league.



potatoes, žlutomasé are tastier and better looking
milk, you reheat


How do you:

Another recipe, When you specify the amount of their own. Peel the potatoes and cut into chunks. Place in a pot of water, salt, Add the cumin and cook until tender.
Bacon, diced leave while in the pan, to zesklovatěla, then adding to it a little butter and finely chopped scallions. I to zelené, do not already do not!

Potatoes and pour off rozšťoucháme, add a little hot milk, Mix them with bacon and onions, season with salt.
Enjoy your meal.

Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and spinach.
Mashed potatoes with chopped spinach and.


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