Pearl barley / Lenten feast at the beginning of the year

Kuba býval jedním z hlavních jídel štědrovečerní večeře. Ale to tak dneska si nebudeme brát, patří nějak k Vánocům a dělává se v tom čase. Plus mínus.

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Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby jak chcete, s namočením i noc
Cook Time
65 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby jak chcete, s namočením i noc
Cook Time
65 minutes
Dal jsem kroupám víc než přes půl dne, aby se pořádně vyráchaly, to by mohlo vyjít. Vždycky si při vyslovení názvu jídla hned vybavím, že Kubula a Kuba Kubikula je animovaný televizní seriál z roku 1986 vysílaný v rámci Večerníčku. Autorem knižní předlohy byl spisovatel Vladislav Vančura. Nejspíš jsme si zamilovali víc jeho Rozmarné léto – díky filmu. Ale kuba je i něco jiného, ten patří k zimě, tak ho ochutnejme.
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Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby jak chcete, s namočením i noc
Cook Time
65 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby jak chcete, s namočením i noc
Cook Time
65 minutes
Dal jsem kroupám víc než přes půl dne, aby se pořádně vyráchaly, to by mohlo vyjít. Vždycky si při vyslovení názvu jídla hned vybavím, že Kubula a Kuba Kubikula je animovaný televizní seriál z roku 1986 vysílaný v rámci Večerníčku. Autorem knižní předlohy byl spisovatel Vladislav Vančura. Nejspíš jsme si zamilovali víc jeho Rozmarné léto – díky filmu. Ale kuba je i něco jiného, ten patří k zimě, tak ho ochutnejme.
Pearl barley
How do you:
  1. Kroupy propereme a namočíme do studené vody. Má to být přes noc, ale šumavská krupárna Mrskoš v návodu uvádí 30 minutes. Tak to trochu zkombinujeme s jinými postupy. Takže vodu po půl hodince slijeme a dáme novou. Pak do vody přidáme sůl a vaříme 25 minutes. Je dobré je míchat, aby se nepřipálily. Pak kroupy zase propereme.
  2. Chop the onion. V pánvi pak rozhřejeme sádlo a orestujeme cibulku dozlatova.
  3. add the cumin
  4. a restujeme půl minuty.
  5. Přidáme houby.
  6. Toss.
  7. Krátce podusíme. So 5 či 6 minut.
  8. Přidáme kroupy.
  9. Osolíme,
  10. pepper, marjoram
  11. a česnek a restujeme. So 6 until 8 minutes.
  12. Troubu předehřejeme na 180 °C, zapékací misku vymažeme máslem.
  13. Směs krup s houbami přendáme do vymazané misky, uhladíme
  14. a pečeme 20 until 25 minut dozlatova.
  15. Finished. Enjoy your meal.

Tripe soup / Carried over the roots

Those roots are just my favorite paraphrase, that it is a delicacy. So stop thinking, where you have roots nearby and what you will bear it in. Someone doesn't like it, someone loves this soup. That she used to be the queen of buffets, it is known. And he's coming back. Dršťková ate already during Austria-Hungary. A Hanzlík cooked it in the Snowdrop Festival. Although tripe are not a delicacy for everyone, applies, that in the world they are considered a first-class delicacy.Česká dršťkovka comes from Hungary, from where it spread to Central Europe during the monarchy and it was said about her, that it must not be missing in any proper station pub. Tripe soup is popularly called "drizkaka", but it's definitely not that, that it had something to do with the word "holder" (from the word free). Its name is derived from the term "dršť", which were called expelled entrails, especially the less valuable ones (more valuable are still called offal). Muscle from the foregut (cap, rumen and book) is cleaned and precooked in several cycles, cut into small strips - tripe, which are the main ingredient in the soup. The soup according to the traditional recipe contains beef tripe, peppers, cibuli, vepřové sádlo, flour, salt and a mixture of spices. You can also find soup with tripe in foreign kitchens, but they have little in common with ours. The Bulgarian tripe soup "škembe čorba" is prepared in water, to which milk is added and everyone completes the soup on a plate with ground chili peppers and mashed garlic with vinegar. In Turkey, you will find a tripe called "iskembe čorbasi" with yogurt, eggs, lemon and onion. Only collected wisdom. So let's get into the classics.


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Servings Prep Time
6 osob 30 minutes
Cook Time
120 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 osob 30 minutes
Cook Time
120 minutes
You can also buy tripe cooked today, but we will still subject them to further cooking. Softness is important. It's a longer journey, kterou ujdeme, but the result is worth it. If we have a croissant or bread with this soup, tou už záleží na momentální chuti.
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Servings Prep Time
6 osob 30 minutes
Cook Time
120 minutes
Servings Prep Time
6 osob 30 minutes
Cook Time
120 minutes
You can also buy tripe cooked today, but we will still subject them to further cooking. Softness is important. It's a longer journey, kterou ujdeme, but the result is worth it. If we have a croissant or bread with this soup, tou už záleží na momentální chuti.
Tripe soup / Carried over the roots
How do you:
  1. Although we buy a package of cooked tripe, wash them under running water as well. Let the water boil in a pot and pour the tripe into the boiling water. Vaříme 30 minutes.
  2. Drain the water and repeat the process three more times. Until the third water we use as a broth in the soup. The tripe in the package are usually already sliced, but you can drain them, keep the broth and tripe still cut. But everyone knows, that larger pieces make tripe soup tripe. This soup went without slicing, so we leave the tripe in the broth.
  3. Melt the lard and fry the finely chopped onion until red. So a milder fire, no burns.
  4. Asi po 10 minutách cibule začne dostávat tu správnou barvu.
  5. Add ground sweet pepper,
  6. a pinch of crushed cumin,
  7. and tomato puree.
  8. Stir for about a minute.
  9. Then dust with flour.
  10. Stir for a minute, to create a dish.
  11. Pour a little broth, exactly that much, to make us a slurry, stir smooth. If it is thick, add a little more broth.
  12. We test the creek so 20 minutes.
  13. Add to the broth with tripe,
  14. promícháme,
  15. salt, přidáme pepř, crushed garlic and marjoram.
  16. Let's still cook like that 20 minutes.
  17. Serve with a croissant or bread.