Sebraná omeleta, nebo už trhanec? Nebo sebranec…


Sometimes it přiházívá, You know that as. This something that interferes, Set out to supper, but it would be good, if they do not come undone on raw materials, left over and can not long remain. So after you can roll left over boiled potatoes, enough bacon, and also their chance still waiting tomatoes and spring onions. So the replacement program: We gather up and get together.

Záleží jenom na vás, what do omelettes piled ...
Záleží jenom na vás, co si do omelety naskládáte…



boiled potatoes in their skins
pepper, or a mixture of peppers

The quantity depends on the number of diners and the quantity of raw materials, this estimate, so this time no weights and measures.


How do you:

In a pan, fry the bacon dry chopped into cubes or strips. Add the chopped onion and fry. Sprinkle it with a little olive oil and add the diced potatoes. Osolíme, pepper, add a little cumin. stir, to all well-tanned, but nespálilo. It takes a few minutes, tak 5 or 8. Slanina slightly zesklovatí, releases fat. Add the chopped tomatoes into eighths, which before posolíme and let it rest for a while. And add to the pan. While fry and add the eggs, salted and peppered. We had the pan from the stove to take off, eggs do for. Toss, But for a moment let even bake, aby se omeleta dobře propojila.
Enjoy your meal.

Trochu zmatek nebo chaos? Ale superrychlá večeře.
Trochu zmatek nebo chaos? Ale superrychlá večeře.

Šťouchané brambory tety Barbory


Such ordinary meal, that we have from that dizzy. I reach for them always, when I've exhausted all attachments and certain foods simply sit. Without them, it's different, why not? But with them it is different!

Spring onion is fragile, potatoes makes an interesting effect, addition, potato flavor that is refreshing and is thereby shifted to a higher league.
Spring onion is fragile, potatoes makes an interesting effect, addition, potatoes that taste is refreshing and moves them into the higher league.



potatoes, žlutomasé are tastier and better looking
milk, you reheat


How do you:

Another recipe, When you specify the amount of their own. Peel the potatoes and cut into chunks. Place in a pot of water, salt, Add the cumin and cook until tender.
Bacon, diced leave while in the pan, to zesklovatěla, then adding to it a little butter and finely chopped scallions. I to zelené, do not already do not!

Potatoes and pour off rozšťoucháme, add a little hot milk, Mix them with bacon and onions, season with salt.
Enjoy your meal.

Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and spinach.
Mashed potatoes with chopped spinach and.


Květáková polévka


When you cook cauliflower, you must prepare the favorite fried, remains fragrant broth, which is a great base for soup. I remember, we used to have it at home whenever he was on the table just fried cauliflower. And I always looked forward to it. Expect to, that water is already slightly salted. A také, you need a few rosettes soup. You separate advance and reach for them when you cook soup, should not be overcooked - if it is not the intention. But it is better, when you know in your soup sprouts.

Květáková polévka může vzniknout jako "vedlejší" product in the preparation of coated cauliflower.
Cauliflower soup may arise as “minor” product in the preparation of coated cauliflower.



cauliflower soup

Several květákových rosettes



cream or milk



hladkolistá parsley


How do you:
Prepare a light roux ahead - and two tablespoons of butter until melted, add two tablespoons flour, Stir and heat the moment, should not brown. Then přilejeme little broth - the water, in which we cooked cauliflower and stir wrapping. Returning tiny rosettes of cauliflower, We cook and we can soften milk or cream, Finally, season with nutmeg and decorate chopped parsley.


Enjoy your meal.

Papriky plněné rizotem a mletým masem


Still just flesh? Pardon, This time it could be a mitigating circumstance, we fulfill paprika and so it seems to me, we're on a meaty filling somehow accustomed. But it's nothing drowning in sauce. Actually, it's such a light dinner.

Pepper basil still dozdobíme, We can be served with lettuce.
Pepper basil still dozdobíme, We can be served with lettuce. It would probably look even efektněji.



2 Large yellow peppers, the color was not so essential, so you can reach for the red and green, I chose yellow

20 g butter

1 lžíce olivového oleje

olivový olej ve spreji

1 pórek (pro 2 will do some part 10 cm)

75 g Arborio rice

300 ml kuřecího vývaru

100 g mletého time

40 g grated Parmesan cheese

čerstvou bazalku


How do you:

Peppers cut off the top part, will serve as a lid. Peppers rid of the seeds and membranes. Dáme na plech vyložený pečícím papírem, s spray of olive oil spray, season with salt and pepper. Retract them on the tops and bake 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ° C. Then we take off the tops of peppers and even some dopečeme 5 minutes. Turn down the temperature to 180 ° C.

Meanwhile rozhřejeme butter and oil over medium heat, Add the finely chopped leek and about restujeme 3 minuty, to soften leek, then add the rice and stir. Resto about 2 minuty, to rice vitrified. Now, add a little warm chicken broth and mix. A little we reduce, another dose of broth repeat the process. Občas promícháme, let's rice takes time, to do, This should take about 20 minutes. so přiléváme, stir, redukujeme. Then add the minced meat, chopped basil and Parmesan. Toss, osolíme a opepříme.

Roasted red peppers to divide the filling and bake 20 minutes, then still to retract peppers “handsaw” tops and let it bake 5 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped basil. We can thus serve or to add pepper leaf lettuce.


Enjoy your meal.


Peppers tops cut off, insides get rid of the seeds and membranes.
Peppers tops cut off, insides get rid of the seeds and membranes.
Peppers s spray olive oil spray.
Peppers s spray olive oil spray.
Salt and pepper.
Salt and pepper.
Oven Ready.
Oven Ready.
Melted butter and oil and fry the leek.
Melted butter and oil and fry the leek.
add the rice, There round grain risotto, it seems to me, that its size fits the filling.
add the rice, There round grain risotto, it seems to me, that its size fits the filling.
Add chicken broth piecewise, reduced and then again add the broth. everything takes 20 minutes, to rice cooked.
Add chicken broth piecewise, reduced and then again add the broth. everything takes 20 minutes, to rice cooked.
Add the minced meat, osolíme a opepříme. Toss.
Add the minced meat, osolíme a opepříme. Toss.
Fill with a mixture of peppers in store.
Fill with a mixture of peppers in store.
After cooking, garnish with basil.
After cooking, garnish with basil.