To cultivate porridge served sausages

Bramborová kaše s pestem | S chutí bazalky

Ať je veselo, I thought. A ke klasické bramborové kaši jsem povolal dosud ladem ležící zelené pesto. Ta barva mě nalákala, vždyť do kaše přidávám nasekanou pažitku, petrželku nebo i jarní cibulku, proč nemohlo dochutit kaši?! Vždyť hlavní ingrediencí je bazalka, to by mohlo chutnat.

Votes: 4
Rating: 4.5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Mashed potatoes flavored with barbecue tastes must Bavarian sausages, which are made in the oven.
Votes: 4
Rating: 4.5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Mashed potatoes flavored with barbecue tastes must Bavarian sausages, which are made in the oven.
Bramborová kaše s pestem | S chutí bazalky
How do you:
  1. Peeled potatoes cut into pieces and flushed several times in cold water. Season with salt and cook until tender.
  2. drain potatoes, add a tablespoon of butter and shake, that butter be dissolved. mash potatoes.
    Rozmačkáme brambory
  3. Add a little milk mulled five working with masher. Gradually add milk, according to the required consistency.
    Přidáme mléko
  4. potatoes prošleháme.
  5. Add the pesto and prošleháme.
    Vmícháme pesto
  6. To the slurry serve Bavarian sausages.
    Přílohou mohou být klobásky

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