Baked cod with potatoes and green beans

Cod with green beans and roasted potatoes | Easily as a fishing village

Takhle nějak si to představuji, I stayed on the shore and was about to prepare a light dinner. Although there something wrong, ta treska je aljašská. And in Alaska just I see.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
But that's not the issue, že jo? We want to eat lightly and fish is actually a Lenten meal. Green beans are a fantastic affair and baked potatoes do not mistake. Tak jdeme na to.
Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
But that's not the issue, že jo? We want to eat lightly and fish is actually a Lenten meal. Green beans are a fantastic affair and baked potatoes do not mistake. Tak jdeme na to.
Cod with green beans and roasted potatoes | Easily as a fishing village
How do you:
  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into thick slices. Opepříme, Season with salt and pour a tablespoon of oil and. Toss.
    Nakrájíme brambory
  2. Preheat oven to 190 ° C. Spread the potato slices on baking paper and oil zastříkneme. Put it in the oven and bake 40 minutes.
    Brambory rozložíme na pečicí papír
  3. Tresku osolíme, pepper and gently poknímujeme. Zastříkneme olejem.
  4. Pečené brambory dáme stranou.
    Pečené brambory dáme stranou
  5. Cod Spread on baking paper on the second sheet and zastříkneme olive oil.
    Tresku rozložíme na pečicí papír a zastříkneme olivovým olejem
  6. Tresku pečeme 10 minutes.
    Pečená treska
  7. Cod add the potatoes and add the green beans. Zastříkneme olejem, citronovou šťávou, přisolíme and possibly pepper to taste. Dáme péct do trouby na 10 minutes.
    Tresku přidáme k bramborám a přidáme zelené fazolky
  8. Baked cod with potatoes and green beans.
    Pečená treska s brambory a zelenými fazolkami
  9. served.
    Pečená treska s brambory a zelenými fazolkami

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