A lens with calf sausage.

Telecí párek s čočkou tak nějak v jednom hrnci

Dejme se do toho, ušetříme nádobí, ale to není hlavní důvod pro one-pot neboli eintopf, čeština se obešla bez pojmenování, pro starší generaci je to metoda, které se říká německy, mladší pak zvolí angličtinu. Ve výsledku je všechno uvařeno v jednom hrnci. Řekněme hrnci, byť vařím v hluboké pánvi. Pro dva to jde, více porcí už chce svůj prostor. No, little dishes, I confess, že mám o kastrůlek navíc – pro částečné uvaření čočky a vejce.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Lentils with sausage we've cooked. And it does not hurt to try more and more recipes. Food us gets old and it is also a moment of almost adventurous, because every attempt is accompanied by a question, how things would turn out, and whether it will taste. Already, tested, lentils with sausage is a good dinner.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Lentils with sausage we've cooked. And it does not hurt to try more and more recipes. Food us gets old and it is also a moment of almost adventurous, because every attempt is accompanied by a question, how things would turn out, and whether it will taste. Already, tested, lentils with sausage is a good dinner.
Telecí párek s čočkou tak nějak v jednom hrnci
How do you:
  1. Soaked lentils cook covered in the same water 25 minutes. Already, manual says, that should cook longer, but it also will be.
  2. Boil hard-boiled egg.
  3. At a deeper pan, melt a tablespoon of oil and fry the sausages, in which we made a sharp knife shallow cuts. aside the.
  4. On a pan put the remaining oil, Let zesklovatět finely chopped onion, finely chopped garlic, which saute and add chopped peppers. Opepříme. Toss, prohřejeme.
  5. Přidáme čočku, pour broth and bring to the boil. Then pour wine (or even broth), osolíme a opepříme, Cover and cook 15 minutes. Then we head back to the pan and cook more sausages 5 minutes, to warm up sausages.
  6. serve independent, hard-boiled egg with or even with bread (It can be roasted). A gherkin also comes to taste.

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