Okurkový salát s rajčaty | Od snů ke skutečnosti

Probuzení toho dne bylo příjemné, ještě mi zůstal ten pocit, že si vychutnávám salát, o kterém se mi zdálo hned dvakrát za sebou. Ne, že bych byl ortodoxním vykladačem snů, ale tohle byla výzva, jak říkají učitelé budoucím manažerům a oni to opakují a opakují. Jediné, co jsem ze snového receptu vyškrtnul při zdravém rozumu, byly kousky nastříhaného papíru. Ne toho jedlého, ale obyčejného, tak pryč s ním!

Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Name already reveals the main players. Cucumber and tomatoes. We will invite a small company and we put a game together. It is fast, good, refreshing.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Name already reveals the main players. Cucumber and tomatoes. We will invite a small company and we put a game together. It is fast, good, refreshing.
Okurkový salát s rajčaty | Od snů ke skutečnosti
How do you:
  1. Prepare everything, What we need.
    Připravte si.
  2. Slice cucumber in half lengthwise and then crosswise cut into half-moons weak. Red onion cut in the same way. Rajčata překrájíme. Add the chopped parsley and mix everything. Pour over the vinegar and oil, salt, pepper and toss.
  3. Let it cool for a while, before serving, stir well yet.
    Můžete servírovat.

Red wine vinegar is more aromatic than white. If you hesitate, try to use only white vinegar, salad is also great.

Marocké kuře s harissou, olivami a citronem | A trip into the unknown for the Middle East and West Africa

Already, zadařilo to steal Harissa, už jsem se o tom v jednom receptu zmiňoval, nastartoval mě Máj, tedy MY, tedy Tesco. V máji hříšná výzva! A budeme vesele cestovat po světě. Jerusalem was an inspiration to me with a recipe called blogger Moroccan chicken with(pickled) lemon, green olives and harissa. With that came the advice of lemon, that if you do not have a biocitron, Thus, chemically untreated, then it is a good ten minutes to boil water, to get rid of agents attending the bark and wax. No, After the test was a kind of lemon žoužel, did not even sliced. So without th Board must bypass. A sáhneme prostě po citronu.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
42 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
42 minutes
It's actually a meal in one pot. Alchemy is a mixture of spices, which may surprise cinnamon and honey.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
42 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
42 minutes
It's actually a meal in one pot. Alchemy is a mixture of spices, which may surprise cinnamon and honey.
Marocké kuře s harissou, olivami a citronem | A trip into the unknown for the Middle East and West Africa
How do you:
  1. Prepare everything, What we need.
    Připravíme si vše, co potřebujeme.
  2. Mix all the spices and add salt.
    Smícháme koření
  3. Chicken breast sprinkle with a mixture of spices and passed through a sieve into the meat with your fingers.
  4. In a saucepan heat oil and fry over medium heat spicy boobs, about 6 minutes each side. Roasted breast set aside.
    Opečená prsa odložíme.
  5. To the pan after baking chicken we put the finely chopped onion and about restujeme 5 minutes, to zesklovatěla. Add finely chopped or crushed garlic and ginger. Stir and let saute for a few minutes.
  6. Chop the parsley and mint. Decently with the mint, if you are a little afraid of. But do not worry, All tastes will eventually connect.
  7. Add a little broth, with, sliced ​​lemon, olivy a harissu. Stir and top soup. Now we return to the pan roasted chicken breast, We reduce the temperature and cover. Vaříme 30 minutes. At the end of cooking add the chopped parsley and a little chopped mint. We do not cover it and let it happen.
    Dáme do hrnce bylinky.
  8. Podáváme s rýží.
    Přílhou je rýže.

Kuře s harissou, rajčátky a olivami | Možná by si pochutnal i Harrison Ford

Rychlá záležitost, to je někdy v kuchyni dost lákavé. Zkusíme kuřecí prsíčka s harissou, ta je doma v Africe, ale kvůli tomu nemusíme ještě vytahovat bubny nebo mít na dvorku zaparkovaného velblouda a drtit písek v zubech. Cherry rajčátka mají jméno Suzanne a jsou na dosah Africe – ze Španělska. A jak do toho zapadá Harrison Ford? Toho jednou dostalo pikantní chilli do nemocnice, tedy vlastně šíleně pálivá chilli paprička, kterou si nacpal do pusy v jedné luxusní francouzské restauraci. Chilli se bát nemusíte. Harissa není tak divoká a všechno by proběhlo v elegantní hladkosti a pohodě. A mě dost lákala podoba Harrisona a harissy, tak mi tu hříčku jistě odpustíte.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 3 minuty
Cook Time
16 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 3 minuty
Cook Time
16 minutes
Všechno bude hotové do dvaceti minut. And I include the preparation. So everything worked out, let cook potatoes, annex would I then just stayed. Mentioned in twenty minutes you come up with new potatoes.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 3 minuty
Cook Time
16 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 3 minuty
Cook Time
16 minutes
Všechno bude hotové do dvaceti minut. And I include the preparation. So everything worked out, let cook potatoes, annex would I then just stayed. Mentioned in twenty minutes you come up with new potatoes.
Kuře s harissou, rajčátky a olivami | Možná by si pochutnal i Harrison Ford
How do you:
  1. Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Boil potatoes.
  2. Chicken breast fillets cover with a mixture of oil, harissy of oregano. Nicely from all sides.
  3. Place in a sheet and then oven. Bake 6 minutes in the middle of the oven.
    Dáme na alobal.
  4. unpack film (Attention, fires!) Add the tomatoes and olives. If this sounds too "tábornické" You can bake the fillets in a baking dish with foil-covered, Then just remove the aluminum foil.
    Rajčata s olivami.
  5. Reduce temperature to 180 until 190 °C. Bake together some 10 minutes, until it is evident rajčátcích, there are baked. They cracked skin.
  6. Serve with boiled potatoes, we can omastit little butter.

Sharper is similar sambalové chick. Try it also.

Kuřecí satay čili kuřecí saté | Jinak vůně Asie | Otherwise too chicken skewers with peanut sauce | Food, které ochutnáte až zítra

We can choose, how to prepare the marinade, in which we load meat overnight. Thajská kuchyně volí rybí omáčku nebo zázvor se sojovou omáčkou plus třtinový cukr, indonéská (místo zrodu!) volí mletou skořici a sojovou omáčku se třtinovým cukrem, Angličani k sojové omáčce přidávají česnek a chilli a med, The Czechs are in the ground and preparing for what they hit. Jak jsou na tom Eskymáci nebo Inuiti, toť otázka. Ale také to může být i jinak. So what? Pak je ještě ve hře omáčka. Také iks variant. Takže je to otázka volby, pokaždé s trochu jinou chutí. Opět tu máme Experimentland. Jdeme do toho! Ale ještě se nechme trochu poučit: Saté (angl. satay) je původně indonéský pokrm z ochuceného masa ve formě špízu, který je připraven na grilu. Tajemství šťavnatého masa spočívá právě v bohaté sladko-pikantní marinádě. Víc řečí najdete v tipu pod receptem.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
1 person 12 minut more 24 hours resting
Servings Prep Time
1 person 12 minut more 24 hours resting
They'll skewers, so we prepare skewers, wood is a good idea to soak for at least an hour in water. The marinade will soy sauce, garlic, šalotky, chilli and honey. And we will broil in oven, so nesmuťte, you do not have a garden and grill with charcoal. A variant have a smokeless charcoal grill is appealing, But it is an investment, which is good to think about. The oven is a compromise. And because we marinate, Expect to, this is a recipe for tomorrow. A little čekačka, But it pays off!
Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
1 person 12 minut more 24 hours resting
Servings Prep Time
1 person 12 minut more 24 hours resting
They'll skewers, so we prepare skewers, wood is a good idea to soak for at least an hour in water. The marinade will soy sauce, garlic, šalotky, chilli and honey. And we will broil in oven, so nesmuťte, you do not have a garden and grill with charcoal. A variant have a smokeless charcoal grill is appealing, But it is an investment, which is good to think about. The oven is a compromise. And because we marinate, Expect to, this is a recipe for tomorrow. A little čekačka, But it pays off!
Kuřecí satay čili kuřecí saté | Jinak vůně Asie | Otherwise too chicken skewers with peanut sauce | Food, které ochutnáte až zítra
How do you:
  1. Prepare the marinade. Mix all the ingredients and then Blend.
    Marinádu rozmixujeme.
  2. Cut chicken into pieces 3 x 5 cm. Put the marinade and mix. Let it stand for a moment and again mix well. The marinade is to get to every spot on meat. If you prepare multiple servings, Select a flat dish - so that the meat had space and was really immersed in the marinade.
    Satay marináda
  3. Cover the dish with foil and let marinate in the refrigerator to chill. Cool it, when you have time, lie let cool overnight, otherwise, at least 3 hodiny, to marinade the meat not only met, but to put their meat tastes. It is worth while waiting.
    Marinované maso zakryjeme fólií.
  4. Meat pushed onto skewers, we left at least 3 hours in water, so this was meat for grilling better take off. it is good, skewers that extend beyond the edge of the grill pan, The marinade may drip. Put in on the grill 8 minutes.
    Napíchneme na špejle.
  5. When grilling skewers turn around a few times.
    Špízy na pánvi.
  6. Skewers set aside
    Špízy dáme stranou.
  1. Heat the oil in a pan. Add the peanut butter, coconut milk, sweet chili sauce, fish sauce and ginger. Heat it and stir, to form a sauce. We do not cook!
    Arašídová omáčka k satay.
  2. Serve with rice.
    Servírujeme s arašídovou omáčkou.

As a satay or satay we know more? Satay comes from the island of Java, Indonesia has become a national dish and from there spread to other countries in Southeast Asia, as Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore (which is a tiny state, which is fine even for discarded chewing gum on the sidewalk), Brunei (which is a tiny state, where oil flows probably even from the taps) and last but not least to the Netherlands and former Dutch colonies. When you have skewers and grill, goes it alone. At present it is a dish, who became known throughout the world. In Indonesia and in Southeast Asia to meet with satay stalls most ordinary, but also in luxurious restaurants. They are different kinds of meat, seafood, sometimes the meat of reptiles, we will meet also with the satay tofu and hard-boiled egg. Typically, adds yellow color of turmeric satay. The satay is often used peanut sauce, possibly sweet soy sauce and chili sauce. One can also buy satay sauce. Authentic Peanut Satay Sauce, which can also be used as a sauce for grilled meat, the rice or fried noodles. Its composition is coconut milk, cukr, šalotka, sezam, peanuts, sojový oil, salt, koriandr, cinnamon, curcuma, anise and cloves. One can also buy marinade, but that's not much fun in the kitchen ...