coco chicken | Co by Tso mohl mít na stole

If you were ever in America, and if you visit a Chinese restaurant, maybe you stumbled on the menu at the General Tso Chicken. But it has several other names, well, I do not know. Recipe putoval the province of Hunan, where nature seems like in the movie Avatar, Also, its creators took the local national parks with protruding rocks, -covered trees and disappearing in the fog, for inspiration. Magic is the birth of food, Chinese general who never ate. Žil totiž v 19. století a jídlo mělo vzniknout až ve 20. století, in the kitchen, Chef Peng, Popular government leaders. And when Mao dopochodoval to Beijing, Peng Chang-Kuei found asylum for himself and his “reaction kitchen” na Tchaiwanu, where he continued his career as official chef until 1973, before he moved to New York City, where he opened a restaurant. Peng your recipe named after a famous native hunanském Tso, which is logical, after all other native was just Mao. US launch recipe apparently was not very famous, Guests seemed too sweet chicken. No, if you've ever eaten American desserts, He would have to climb and sugar from your ears, well, I do not know. But the recipe has undergone several changes, to suit the clientele of restaurants. So Tso began pulling on the famous culinary field, even he has a few names and permutations and variations, US Naval Academy he served under the name Admiral Tso Chicken, even Tso from Central China hardly ever commanded at sea.

No, pojďme se pustit do vaření. Pokud mě chcete kamenovat za svérázné pojmenování, počkejte až ochutnáte.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
The basis of the recipe soy sauce, rice wine, rice vinegar, cukr, cornstarch, dried red chili peppers (throughout), garlic. This recipe is slightly simplified variation - and its role here got hoisin sauce, very thick and having a slightly sweet taste.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
The basis of the recipe soy sauce, rice wine, rice vinegar, cukr, cornstarch, dried red chili peppers (throughout), garlic. This recipe is slightly simplified variation - and its role here got hoisin sauce, very thick and having a slightly sweet taste.
coco chicken | Co by Tso mohl mít na stole
How do you:
  1. Troubu si předehřejeme na 220 °C. Meanwhile, cut chicken fillets into smaller pieces.
  2. Coat the chicken in flour.
    Moukou obalíme
  3. Then coat the pieces in beaten eggs.
    Obalíme ve vejcích
  4. Then wrap the meat still in crushed cornflakes.
    V kukuřičných vločkách obalíme
  5. Meat, coated in breadcrumbs, Lay on the grid, pokapeme oil (or use spray) and bake in middle of oven. Bake 13 until 15 minutes. We'll also cook rice. If you want broccoli as a side dish, You can still wait a while, blanch so 3 minuty (cook in salted water, Then cool down in cold water).
    Poklademe na mřížku
  6. Meanwhile, mix chicken broth, soy sauce, cukr, hoisin omacku, vinegar and cornstarch. Mix well, to sugar and starch dissolved. If you chose the dried chili peppers, it is time to use them in sauces. Povaříme 2 until 3 minuty.
    Omáčku připravíme
  7. Pour sauce and chicken pieces, that is wrapped.
    Obalíme kouskyy v omáčce
  8. Serve on rice spread out on a plate. Chicken still slightly pour sauce, add chili peppers, Sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped spring onion tops.
    Podáváme s rýží a sezamem

Eggs with ham, tomatoes, Jalapeno and a sharp dip | Rychlé a jednoduché

Scrambled eggs? This is no piece of cake, even though it may seem. Clearly, You can get them done quickly, Chop chop and it. But they can do differently.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Vlastně je to taková tlustější omeleta, a pokud potřebujete hodně rychlé dobré jídlo, pusťte se do tohoto.
Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Vlastně je to taková tlustější omeleta, a pokud potřebujete hodně rychlé dobré jídlo, pusťte se do tohoto.
Eggs with ham, tomatoes, Jalapeno and a sharp dip | Rychlé a jednoduché
How do you:
  1. Připravíme si vše, What we need.
    Vše, co potřebujeme
  2. Vajíčka smícháme se sýrem.
    Smícháme vejce se sýrem
  3. Šunku nakrájíme a opečeme na trošce oleje.
    Opečeme šunku
  4. Přidáme k šunce jemně nakrájenou bílou část jarní cibulky, nadrobno nakrájené jalapeňo a rajčátka.
    Přidáme papričku a rajčata
  5. Promícháme a přidáme ještě oregano a opepříme.
    Přidáme koření
  6. Zalijeme vejci se sýrem.
  7. Zakryjeme a pečeme asi 3 minuty.
    Zakryjeme a pečeme
  8. Na proužky nakrájenou goudu poklademe na vrstvu vajec a opět zakryjeme – až se začne sýr roztékat. Po chvíli překlopíme polovinu omelety. Ještě přikryjeme na minutu. Pak omeletu rozbijeme a můžeme podávat.
    Přidáme goudu
  9. Přílohou může být čerstvý chléb, podáváme s ostrým dipem.

Smažené grundle čili gavros tiganitos, jak říkají Řekové | Reminiscence dovolené s chutí

Na řeckých ostrovech jsou grundle oblíbené, někdy je taverny ani nemají na jídelním lístku, možná proto, aby jim je turisti všechny nevyjedli. Ale stačí se zeptat a na stole máte za chvíli kopec mrňavých smažených rybiček. Jmenují se gavros. Zkoušel jsem je několikrát, protože po nich byla poptávka i u nás doma. Poprvé se zadařilo (asi omylem), podruhé to byla katastrofa, což teď vím, dal jsem jich na pánev smažit moc najednou. Already, práce kvapná, málo platná.

Grundle jsou jedněmi z nejlevnějších ryb v Řecku a přesto jsou tak chutné, a také zdravé. Pokud si to hlídáte, tak máte na stole nyní omega 3 mastné kyseliny z ryb a omega 9 mastné kyseliny z olivového oleje, takže je to jídlo pro ty, kteří mají problémy se srdcem. No, u nás je to navíc taková srdeční záležitost. Říkám jim sice blbě ančovičky, ale jsou to grundle.

Votes: 6
Rating: 4.33
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Fried anchovy are simple, but very enticing dish, We just need to follow some basic rules, so everything turned out perfectly fine. Olive oil for frying must be very hot, to form a golden and crispy crust on rybičkách. And should it be so 2 cm in the pan. If TAPE, Heat olive oil for 3 - 4 minutes, then just give one fish to the pan and wait, until you hear the sizzle - and then add the remaining. You can serve them with chips or potatoes fried in olive oil, possibly just with salad. A fact is that jednoduché, today you get a bag of anchovies and a recipe; Thus importer's odfláknul, He reconciled with only indication, fish that have been caught in freshwaters in Turkey, water body: Lake Iznik in the category of gear: seine. This will probably not help much when cooking, not already? Already, It usually waiter brings a plate in Greece, where you count aso 27 until 30 fish, Serving as sufficient.
Votes: 6
Rating: 4.33
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Fried anchovy are simple, but very enticing dish, We just need to follow some basic rules, so everything turned out perfectly fine. Olive oil for frying must be very hot, to form a golden and crispy crust on rybičkách. And should it be so 2 cm in the pan. If TAPE, Heat olive oil for 3 - 4 minutes, then just give one fish to the pan and wait, until you hear the sizzle - and then add the remaining. You can serve them with chips or potatoes fried in olive oil, possibly just with salad. A fact is that jednoduché, today you get a bag of anchovies and a recipe; Thus importer's odfláknul, He reconciled with only indication, fish that have been caught in freshwaters in Turkey, water body: Lake Iznik in the category of gear: seine. This will probably not help much when cooking, not already? Already, It usually waiter brings a plate in Greece, where you count aso 27 until 30 fish, Serving as sufficient.
Smažené grundle čili gavros tiganitos, jak říkají Řekové | Reminiscence dovolené s chutí
How do you:
  1. Rinse and dry anchovies.
    Ančovičky osolíme
  2. Grundle little salt, Mix the flour with salt and pepper.
    Osolíme mouku
  3. Goldfish in flour gradually envelops.
    Rybičky obalíme v mouce
  4. Heat the olive oil and fry until golden brown. It takes about 3 until 4 minuty. When grundle remove oil from finished, we put them on paper towels, so that excess oil drips. Watch to the pan just enough, so fish can swim in the oil and enough to fry on all sides. When toasting it in the oil must grind wooden spatula.
  5. Serve with lemon, which grundle drizzle.
    Podejte s citroneme
  6. Attachments can be fries or roasted potatoes in olive oil, or served with cold vegetables salad.
    Salát s ančovičkami

Pancakes made of sauerkraut, sýra a pikantních klobásek

Potato pancakes or pancakes a bit of good or bad? Let's try the second. Na potato sauerkraut and smoked I have been here a recipe. So it's time to go a bit further.

Votes: 0
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Proč byste nemohli zkusit třeba právě takovou snadnou večeři?
Votes: 0
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Proč byste nemohli zkusit třeba právě takovou snadnou večeři?
Pancakes made of sauerkraut, sýra a pikantních klobásek
How do you:
  1. Do mísy dáme hladkou mouku s trochou kypřícího prášku, vejce a podmáslí a vše promícháme do jednolité hmoty.
  2. Přidáme nastrouhaný sýr, kysané zelí nasekané na menší kousky, klobásku nakrájenou na drobné kousky, nasekanou petrželku a pažitku. Vše důkladně promícháme.
  3. Pečeme na troše oleje v lívanečníku nebo na pánvičce na středním ohni asi 6 minutes, v polovině otočíme.
  4. Placičky posypeme drceným pepřem a podáváme s rajčatovým chutney.
    Servírujeme pepřem

K placičkám si připtavte chutnou záležitost – tomatové chutney.