Drunken sausages with potatoes | Simmer on beer

Sometimes he wants to have something pretty on the plate “brutal”, which may sausages in beer quite well play. Nebojte se, že vám do kuchyně vlítne kontrolor zdravé výživy. Tentokrát budou špekáčkům dělat společnost brambory. A word about the reported hot pepper. Pivo vás může děsit, ale strach není na místě. Fakt.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
60 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
60 minutes
This is quite a small portion, so just for two. We do not do cook the whole boiler and then bother several days.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
60 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
60 minutes
This is quite a small portion, so just for two. We do not do cook the whole boiler and then bother several days.
Drunken sausages with potatoes | Simmer on beer
How do you:
  1. All, What we need, prepare.
  2. mix about 150 ml of beer with crushed or finely chopped garlic, tomato paste, Provencal herbs, grill seasoning and add a little salt and pepper. Pozor, barbecue seasoning mix already contains salt, so keep an eye on it.
    Připravíme omáčku.
  3. Potatoes cut into half-moons, tak, Slice it lengthwise in half and then in thirds in wedges - a diagonal cut. Cut sausages in the same way.
    Brambory a špekáčky.
  4. Hot peppers cut across on wheels. Brambory, sausages, pepper and onion add baking dish, Throw cocktail tomatoes.
    Praprika a rajčata.
  5. Pour over the dressing and dark beer. mix well.
    Zalijeme omáčkou.
  6. Předehřejeme si troubu na 250 °C a dáme péct asi 20 minutes. After rain minutes, reduce the temperature to 200 až 220 °C. It depends on the oven.
    Dáme péct.
  7. Then pour some more 150 ml piva, Mix and bake 40 minutes.
    Přiddáme pivo.
  8. Stir occasionally while cooking. Watering should be transformed into a thick sauce.
    Promícháme při pečení.
  9. Serving Serve decorated with finely chopped yellow onions půlkolečky. Dozdobíme parsley.
    Servírujeme s cibulí.

Paprikový klobásový guláš | Když už fakt nevíte coby

Already, také podlehnu rychlosti a požadavkům, jakože žádné extravagantní experimenty a tak; tohle je na přípravu svižná záležitost a tajně taky trochu experiment. Všechno nakrájíte, opečete, podusíte a hotovo.

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Food, that can be cooked in many varieties. This time, I have included homemade marinated peppers, that donated supplies dwindled. So we'll do the magic, you agree?
Votes: 1
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Food, that can be cooked in many varieties. This time, I have included homemade marinated peppers, that donated supplies dwindled. So we'll do the magic, you agree?
Paprikový klobásový guláš | Když už fakt nevíte coby
How do you:
  1. Heat the pan and then put it in a tablespoon of oil. Once the oil is hot, toss the diced bacon and fry. Add the sliced ​​sausage and roast pepper.
  2. Throw into the pan, finely chopped onion and garlic, we squashed flat side of a knife and chop They cut. We'll onion and garlic 2 minuty, then add the diced pickled peppers and saute. Do not add finely chopped jalapeno. Everything from the pan Transfer to a casserole.
  3. After a while, until the foundation starts to boil, add chopped tomatoes. Stir and simmer for a while. Pour some hot water and add the broth trays. Paprika and cumin. simmer for a while.
  4. To the stew, add diced potatoes, seasoned with marjoram and if necessary, add hot water. Bring to boiling temperature and reduce. Cover and let gently bubbled through. cook for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes are soft.
  5. Garnish can put chopped scallions, Serve with fresh bread.
    Podáváme s chlebem.

Fish fillet with mashed potatoes | Twice classic

I love surprises, in America, you enjoy Americans incredible power, especially, when they are surprised by, what in Europe we consider it absolutely normal. Tak třeba z filé dokáží našlehat naprosto seběvědomě i s doporučením, that this recipe, who are going, They teach people to cook from the garden of a mermaid in Brooklyn.

Thank the, end fun.

Let's go into fillets, fried in butter.

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2 osoby
2 osoby
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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2 osoby
2 osoby
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself.
Fish fillet with mashed potatoes | Twice classic
Prepare fillets
Prepare mashed potatoes
How do you:
  1. Fillets osolíme a opepříme. And if you have a boarder, which requires a dose of his cumin, He still indulge.
  2. Heat the pan with thick bottom, and when the pan is hot enough, add oil to it. After a moment, put on the pan fish fillets. We reduce temperature to medium and saute about so 3 minuty. Then add butter to fillet. We cook on both sides for a few minutes.
  3. Serve with mashed potatoes, garnished with chopped parsley leaf.
  4. Boil potatoes in salted water, cut into small cubes. It is good potatoes before cooking and rinsed several times to get rid of the starch. Once potatoes are soft, Pour off the water and mash potatoes. Pour the heated milk and stir as needed. A serving of porridge can douse dripping from fillets or just add a bit of butter.

Garfish with cherry tomatoes and potatoes

Today I wanted to fish. Experts recommend a healthy diet, doctors and my taste buds. So I caught garfish Cape, which experts call Merluccius Capens / paradoxus. Hunted in the South-East Atlantic, oblast FAO 47, seiners. These are the paradoxes, the paradox we know almost everything.

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Garfish Cape appeared as a tip Chef Potrefená Geese Angel, Even with potato puree, which was the original intent. Jenže, you know it. Before I returned from the store, Puree it was passe, We will prepare baked potatoes. And in the end everything together nicely.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Garfish Cape appeared as a tip Chef Potrefená Geese Angel, Even with potato puree, which was the original intent. Jenže, you know it. Before I returned from the store, Puree it was passe, We will prepare baked potatoes. And in the end everything together nicely.
Garfish with cherry tomatoes and potatoes
How do you:
  1. Troubu si předehřejeme na 200 °C. To be ready, let's get into the first round.
  2. Sliced ​​potatoes, pour a spoon of olive oil, add about 1/4 teaspoon salt, teaspoon thyme and pepper. a good mix.
  3. On a plate lined with baking paper and spray some oil Spread over potatoes. Put it in the oven and bake until golden brown, about 30 until 35 minutes.
  4. Mix cherry tomatoes and olives, kapary, garlic and a teaspoon of olive oil. Přidáme 2 tablespoons wine vinegar and a teaspoon of fresh thyme. A changing of the guard takes place. Fried potatoes and set aside on a plate Spread over mixture rajčátkovou. We can still sprinkle with oil, if you spray, it is fajnovější. Leave in the oven for about restovat 10 minutes.
  5. mix about 3 teaspoons olive oil, teaspoon fresh thyme, 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Spread this mixture pike fillets.
  6. Place the fillet brushed with tomatoes on a baking sheet and bake more 5 minutes, then add the fish and fried potatoes and bake more 5 minutes. In the final minutes we turn down the oven temperature to 180 °C.
  7. Mořská štika na pánvi

The symbol on the packaging recommends cooking fish fillets in the oven for about 5 until 7 minutes. That's enough.