Kapustové placičky | Nápad z nouze, pouze, dost povedený

Tak mi zbyla půlka kapusty a bylo by dobré z ní udělat něco ke snědku. Škoda to jen tak nechat vniveč. Pustil jsem se do placiček, co také jiného? Admittedly, že mi bylo líto i kapusty připravené kbůčku s medem, která zbyla trochu na pánvi. Dáme to dohromady, why not?!

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
While only cabbage stew, and then produce a batter. Who prepared the potato pancake, will know. This is a little crisper affair, so it's good to have a little more neutral, must tomato chutney.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
While only cabbage stew, and then produce a batter. Who prepared the potato pancake, will know. This is a little crisper affair, so it's good to have a little more neutral, must tomato chutney.
Kapustové placičky | Nápad z nouze, pouze, dost povedený
How do you:
  1. We get rid of the stalk sprouts and divide individual sheets. At the moment we leave the oil restovat, Season with salt and add the broth. Cover and simmer about 8 until 10 minutes. We let vychlanout and then cut or chop finely. Then add finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and marjoram. Stir in eggs and some water. create mass, we will fry.
    Směs kapusty
  2. Fry on griddles, Always put a little oil on medium heat and fry patties.
    Usmažíme placičky
  3. Served with onion chutney.
    Placky z kapusty

The sharper placičkám choose a neutral dip or chutney, třeba tomatové.

Chicken broth II. | He always throws

Chicken soup already on the site smelled. It takes a little time, a little patience, but then all the recipes, that with the stock taking just worth it. Ve většině bujónů v kostce najdete glutaman sodný, or other flavor enhancers. And doing everything for it, to be clear broth. But it is at home, you can build on your head, You do not do the same. But it is much tastier. without salt, no added affairs, which makes industry. So still do nečirý broth, You will enjoy much more!

Votes: 5
Rating: 5
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Ať děláte, co děláte, pokaždé se vám povede vývar trochu jiný, ale pořád skvělý. Takže dál můžete pokračovat v přípravě polévky nebo hlavních jídel, kde je vývar základem.
Votes: 5
Rating: 5
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Ať děláte, co děláte, pokaždé se vám povede vývar trochu jiný, ale pořád skvělý. Takže dál můžete pokračovat v přípravě polévky nebo hlavních jídel, kde je vývar základem.
Chicken broth II. | He always throws
How do you:
  1. Celer, mrkev i petržel nakrájíme na kostičky. Cibuli oloupeme, ale necháme vcelku. Skelet i křídla dobře propláchneme. Vše dáme i s kořením do velkého hrnce s vodou a přivedeme k varu.
  2. Jakmile se vývar začne vařit, stáhneme teplotu, aby voda jemně probublávala. Tomu se říká, že vývar táhneme. Čas od času sebereme z hladiny pěnu, která se vytvořila. Asi po hodině všechno opatrně promícháme a necháme dál mírně vařit.
  3. Po 4 hodinách odstavíme a necháme v klidu vychladnout. Pak všechny suroviny vyjmeme z hrnce, ty už nebudeme potřebovat. Po tak dlouhé době vaření předaly všechnu chuť do vývaru, takže je vyhodíme. I skelet a křídla. Pokud je vám masa líto, ochutnejte. Zjistíte, že si na něm dál už nepochutnáte. Ale nelitujte, všechno chutné zůstalo ve vývaru!
  4. Teď už jenom přecedíme do sklenic. Někdo doporučí jemné pláténko, tentokrát jsem nasadil "jenom" superjemné sítko. Faktem je, že touto cestou se ve vývaru uchová i tuk, ale to není na škodu. Vývar nebude čirý, ale to vám potvrdí i machři, že to není na škodu.

Tento vývar je základem třeba cizrnové polévky or kapustové polévky. Ochutnejte.

Crunchy and crispy chilli chicken | Just one pan - wok

This attempt must go. moreover, if he came out, so there will not be a recipe. Takže, As always tried and true self in the diminutive kitchen, where not much spin. Fits, You need really only one pan. Enjoy, not only during cooking! Na scénu přichází kuře.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
This is a recipe for two, It certainly will not make the problem can multiply the ingredients by the number of diners, moreover we have here and helping calculator.
Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 12 minutes
Cook Time
12 minutes
This is a recipe for two, It certainly will not make the problem can multiply the ingredients by the number of diners, moreover we have here and helping calculator.
Crunchy and crispy chilli chicken | Just one pan - wok
How do you:
  1. Cut chicken into pieces, Mix the flour with salt and pepper.
    Maso a mouka
  2. Meat in flour, wrap from all sides.
    Obalíme maso v mouce
  3. Heat the wok and put it into oil, Heat to a higher temperature. Into the hot oil we toss the whole chili peppers and restujeme 30 seconds. Pozor, prská to! Peppers, remove and set aside, need for paper towels.
    Papričky orestujeme
  4. Chicken pieces put into wok and relaxed about restujeme 8 minutes, until the meat gets a golden color.
    Restujeme maso
  5. Add the ginger, cut into fine slices and garlic, we nakrájelii too finely and more about restujeme 2 minuty.
    Přidáme česnek a zázvor
  6. If you have a craving for peanuts, add a handful of them to pan. But you can skip this step.
  7. If there is still oil pan, maso, ginger, garlic and remove from pan, aside the, must again on paper towels, You can remove the excess fat.
  8. Remove from the pan and the fat chicken and peppers into her back. Do not let the mixture scallions, chopped into pieces třícentimentrové (greater white part lengthwise). Add the soy sauce and cook, součaném while moving the pan over the stove for about 1 minutu. This earthquake ladle the sauce mix with others as we would have mixed. Instead of shaking can mix wooden spatula.
    Kombinace s cibulkou
  9. And we can now serve.
    Můžeme servírovat
  10. You have to also prepare rice, if you want to please the guests more. Even at the table it looks richer. And if guests are mlsavější, You also need to prepare a simple cucumber salad.
    Servírujeme s rýží

cucumber salad matters are good. Fast, svěží, delicious. Inpiraci najdete tady, This is a Japanese affair, or tady Can you give for a trip into Thailand This way.

Masové koule se sezamem | Minced meat in another form

Sesame, open to! That stuck in my head, when I drive past a shelf sesame, I just jumps. But sesame in the kitchen, It's much we. One can buy pastries, but now we get involved in the process. Sesame, open (is)!

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Preparation is similar, like we are going to need Minced meat roll, so we actually home. that we can. Just onions are sweeter and moreover there is a carrot. And, of course, soy sauce. And the most important thing - sesame seeds. They are the meat and sauce.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Preparation is similar, like we are going to need Minced meat roll, so we actually home. that we can. Just onions are sweeter and moreover there is a carrot. And, of course, soy sauce. And the most important thing - sesame seeds. They are the meat and sauce.
Masové koule se sezamem | Minced meat in another form
Sezamovo-sojová blindfold
How do you:
  1. All, What we need to prepare.
  2. Prepare sauce: Mix soy sauce, sugar and 1/4 cup of water. Heat, to dissolve the sugar, should suffice 1 minutes.
  3. Chop the vegetables and mix all the ingredients for the ball. good work our way.
  4. Using a spoon can create balls.
    Uděláme koule.
  5. In oil at medium heat fry the balls from all sides, It takes so 10 minutes, but it is good to watch.
    Pečeme koule
  6. On a dry frying pan roast sesame seeds.
    Sezam opražíme
  7. Part prepared sauces can set aside at the end. Stir in the remaining part of roasted sesame seeds. Stir and simmer for about 2 minuty.
    Sezam v omáčce.
  8. Into the pan with opečnými balls to pour the oil mixture with sesame sauce. Let it cook on low heat for about 8 minutes. Prepare rice.
    Pánev s koulemi.
  9. Podáváme s rýží, omůžeme zakápnout parts sauces, that we set aside. The sauce can even add a little dripping from the pan and let boil. Sprinkle with scallions.
    Na stole.