Eggs with ham, tomatoes, Jalapeno and a sharp dip | Rychlé a jednoduché

Scrambled eggs? This is no piece of cake, even though it may seem. Clearly, You can get them done quickly, Chop chop and it. But they can do differently.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Vlastně je to taková tlustější omeleta, a pokud potřebujete hodně rychlé dobré jídlo, pusťte se do tohoto.
Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 8 minutes
Cook Time
8 minutes
Vlastně je to taková tlustější omeleta, a pokud potřebujete hodně rychlé dobré jídlo, pusťte se do tohoto.
Eggs with ham, tomatoes, Jalapeno and a sharp dip | Rychlé a jednoduché
How do you:
  1. Připravíme si vše, What we need.
    Vše, co potřebujeme
  2. Vajíčka smícháme se sýrem.
    Smícháme vejce se sýrem
  3. Šunku nakrájíme a opečeme na trošce oleje.
    Opečeme šunku
  4. Přidáme k šunce jemně nakrájenou bílou část jarní cibulky, nadrobno nakrájené jalapeňo a rajčátka.
    Přidáme papričku a rajčata
  5. Promícháme a přidáme ještě oregano a opepříme.
    Přidáme koření
  6. Zalijeme vejci se sýrem.
  7. Zakryjeme a pečeme asi 3 minuty.
    Zakryjeme a pečeme
  8. Na proužky nakrájenou goudu poklademe na vrstvu vajec a opět zakryjeme – až se začne sýr roztékat. Po chvíli překlopíme polovinu omelety. Ještě přikryjeme na minutu. Pak omeletu rozbijeme a můžeme podávat.
    Přidáme goudu
  9. Přílohou může být čerstvý chléb, podáváme s ostrým dipem.

Quick chicken fillets | This is not a race, You only accelerate dinner | Dvě možnosti

This recipe was actually a little mistake and impetuosity, but I guess, that someone will find something similar. Probably each recipe was devised to have at least a hundred times. And if it does not fit, you have to write it, Moreover, our mothers used to have on hand not only the classic cookbook, but notebook, in which they vepisovaly your recipes. These notebooks are dědívaly and recipes passed down from generation to generation. So even if all cook the same meal, will never be the same.

Votes: 4
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
The fact is that rush, so you have to start annex, otherwise can barely. Whether you are preparing just boiled potatoes or a little more time consuming mashed potatoes. Originally I wanted cuttings dipped in eggs again dusted in flour, But somehow I slid straight into the pan. so change, small discovery. Even though you may feel like wrapped in dough. Just with less crcání. PS. Když přidáte do mouky ještě jemně strouhaný parmezán, máte další chuťovou variantu.
Votes: 4
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
The fact is that rush, so you have to start annex, otherwise can barely. Whether you are preparing just boiled potatoes or a little more time consuming mashed potatoes. Originally I wanted cuttings dipped in eggs again dusted in flour, But somehow I slid straight into the pan. so change, small discovery. Even though you may feel like wrapped in dough. Just with less crcání. PS. Když přidáte do mouky ještě jemně strouhaný parmezán, máte další chuťovou variantu.
Quick chicken fillets | This is not a race, You only accelerate dinner | Dvě možnosti
How do you:
  1. Clean meat, osolíme a opepříme.
  2. Coat the fillets in flour, to which we added salt, pepper, parsley and pepper (and although not written, You can put other herbs).
    Nejdříve obalíme v mouce
  3. Now we dip into beaten egg and coat the well.
    Obalíme ve vejci
  4. We'll fry in a pan with hot oil, best on medium heat fry on each side about 4 until 5 minutes. If the cuttings do more running and you time, just finished cuttings put in a hot oven, where they wait for serving.
Mashed potatoes
  1. Potatoes cut into cubes, quicker they will cook. Cook in lightly salted water. drain.
  2. Masher potato pieces smash, salt, pepper, add a bit of butter and heated milk. Pozor! Gradually add milk, according to the desired consistency slurry. When you poured at once, it might happen, that you find, the mash given closer to puree and now it can not be reversed. On the taste does not change anything, but you want it? If you want to have a smooth porridge, Replace masher in the finals for the Scourge.
  3. Served with cuttings, sprinkled with parsley and with a little butter. if you want, add more tartar sauce.
  1. Cuttings also served on bread or bread rolls and tartar sauce. Great light dinner.
    Servírujeme s chlebem

Poznámka: Salt and pepper and paprika give so much, how you see fit, But do not overdo it. Anyway, with a mace or a nut with extreme care, hands and stomach while you neutrhne, but it has a strong aroma and affect the taste of porridge.

Kapustové placičky | Nápad z nouze, pouze, dost povedený

Tak mi zbyla půlka kapusty a bylo by dobré z ní udělat něco ke snědku. Škoda to jen tak nechat vniveč. Pustil jsem se do placiček, co také jiného? Admittedly, že mi bylo líto i kapusty připravené kbůčku s medem, která zbyla trochu na pánvi. Dáme to dohromady, why not?!

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
While only cabbage stew, and then produce a batter. Who prepared the potato pancake, will know. This is a little crisper affair, so it's good to have a little more neutral, must tomato chutney.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
While only cabbage stew, and then produce a batter. Who prepared the potato pancake, will know. This is a little crisper affair, so it's good to have a little more neutral, must tomato chutney.
Kapustové placičky | Nápad z nouze, pouze, dost povedený
How do you:
  1. We get rid of the stalk sprouts and divide individual sheets. At the moment we leave the oil restovat, Season with salt and add the broth. Cover and simmer about 8 until 10 minutes. We let vychlanout and then cut or chop finely. Then add finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and marjoram. Stir in eggs and some water. create mass, we will fry.
    Směs kapusty
  2. Fry on griddles, Always put a little oil on medium heat and fry patties.
    Usmažíme placičky
  3. Served with onion chutney.
    Placky z kapusty

The sharper placičkám choose a neutral dip or chutney, třeba tomatové.

Pancakes made of sauerkraut, sýra a pikantních klobásek

Potato pancakes or pancakes a bit of good or bad? Let's try the second. Na potato sauerkraut and smoked I have been here a recipe. So it's time to go a bit further.

Votes: 0
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Proč byste nemohli zkusit třeba právě takovou snadnou večeři?
Votes: 0
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Proč byste nemohli zkusit třeba právě takovou snadnou večeři?
Pancakes made of sauerkraut, sýra a pikantních klobásek
How do you:
  1. Do mísy dáme hladkou mouku s trochou kypřícího prášku, vejce a podmáslí a vše promícháme do jednolité hmoty.
  2. Přidáme nastrouhaný sýr, kysané zelí nasekané na menší kousky, klobásku nakrájenou na drobné kousky, nasekanou petrželku a pažitku. Vše důkladně promícháme.
  3. Pečeme na troše oleje v lívanečníku nebo na pánvičce na středním ohni asi 6 minutes, v polovině otočíme.
  4. Placičky posypeme drceným pepřem a podáváme s rajčatovým chutney.
    Servírujeme pepřem

K placičkám si připtavte chutnou záležitost – tomatové chutney.