Utopené párečky | Utopenci trochu jinak

Je to zkouška, takže vytahuji laboratorní váhy a jdu do toho. No, Just kidding, ale ověřit si fungování receptu v množství pro dvacet lidí není zrovna nejlepší. Vyzkouším to nejprve na sobě. A fakt, že recept přistál na webu dokazuje, že zkouška dopadla výborně.

Votes: 3
Rating: 4.67
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Pickled have a distinctive flavor, sausages, is another, gentler affair.
Votes: 3
Rating: 4.67
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Pickled have a distinctive flavor, sausages, is another, gentler affair.
Utopené párečky | Utopenci trochu jinak
How do you:
  1. Svaříme water with vinegar, sugar and spice.
  2. Sausages in a jar, chopped onion, garlic and jalapeno wheels.
  3. Pour brine and after cooling put in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
  4. Serve with baguette or bread rolls.
    Párečky servírujeme s dalamánkem

Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice

Maybe it will look, I dig into the open door, Yet everyone knows this. Bah! Even I remember well the school version, which gave food for long stigma almost unpalatability. But I will not weep and tear her hair, jangle memorial old scars, it is time to rehab.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice
Do you prepare
How do you:
  1. Mix the minced meat with egg, finely chopped onion and chopped garlic. add pepper, marjoram and salt to taste. Grate the potato mixture into. Prepare a compact mass.
  2. Peppers tops cut off the stem and put them aside, testicles and seeds from inside the peppers, remove. Then fill with meat mixture pepper, odkrojenými conclude that the tops of peppers - like lid.
  3. Troubu předehřejeme na 180 °C. Delete pan with butter, Put the peppers in it and they still put slices of butter. Bake 40-45 minutes. During cooking, you can pour a few tablespoons of hot water.
  4. Sauté onions in butter, add sugar and let it caramelize slightly. Mix a can of sliced ​​tomatoes and juice. Add the bay leaf and allspice, Add the vegetable broth and simmer for about milder 15 until 20 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, boil rice. One part rice, One and a half parts of water. Once the rice boils, pull the temperature and cover. Simmer for about 12 until 15 minutes, by rice.
  6. Add salt to the sauce, pepper and a teaspoon of lemon juice. pour cream (possibly mixed with a teaspoon of plain flour, if we have the sauce is too thin). Stir and simmer a minute. We still flavored sugar, podle chuti. Of sauces Remove bay leaf (and spices) and tyčovým mixer prošleháme.
  7. Peppers served with rice, topped with tomato sauce.
    Podáváme s rýži a přelijeme omáčkou

Uzená plec se špenátem | Surprise: poněkud jiný špenát

Meat, maso, maso. This categorical imperative, I hear quite often, also usually prepare meat. And that I served as a springboard for preparing great soups, I mean wild kohlrabi soup, It is a big plus.

Votes: 1
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 30 minutes
Cook Time
16 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 30 minutes
Cook Time
16 minutes
prepare spinach, It is quite a simple thing. In season, definitely we go for fresh, but if it is not up for grabs, We get by even with frozen. Sometimes they chopped, sometimes leaf. I choose according to the needs and tastes, This time I chose leaf. And we'll go to his preparation differently than is written on the packaging. And it will be with potato dumplings, truth, This time I Did not shape a bit, but still has a chance to apply.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 30 minutes
Cook Time
16 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 30 minutes
Cook Time
16 minutes
prepare spinach, It is quite a simple thing. In season, definitely we go for fresh, but if it is not up for grabs, We get by even with frozen. Sometimes they chopped, sometimes leaf. I choose according to the needs and tastes, This time I chose leaf. And we'll go to his preparation differently than is written on the packaging. And it will be with potato dumplings, truth, This time I Did not shape a bit, but still has a chance to apply.
Uzená plec se špenátem | Surprise: poněkud jiný špenát
How do you:
  1. Smoked meat you předvaříme in water with added bay leaf, pepper and pimento. Just 30 minutes. Drain broth and put aside.
  2. Store meat slices on a layer of spring onions sliced ​​and gently pour the broth. (Of the remaining broth still we can prepare kohlrabi soup.)
    Dáme maso na cibulku
  3. In the middle of the oven grill on each side about 6 until 8 minutes (by pipes).
    Uzené ugrilujeme
  4. In a frying pan heat the olive oil, Pour the wine and add the spinach. If you use frozen, leave covered for about 6 until 8 minutes on low heat.
  5. Add the granulated garlic and lemon juice, little přisolíme. Mix well and still covered over low heat for leave to 2 minuty.
  6. Serve with potato dumplings.
    Podáváme s bramborovým knedlíkem

If you want a little "prohnat pipes", Try wild kohlrabi soup. Why wild? she asked me one cookbook. Because it is quite hot peppers and chilli. But do not make the full version for firefighters, hotness can regulate it, it will be less hot peppers and pimentos add. For children and vegetarians this soup is not too much, but in recipe They are also variants.

Chicken broth II. | He always throws

Chicken soup already on the site smelled. It takes a little time, a little patience, but then all the recipes, that with the stock taking just worth it. Ve většině bujónů v kostce najdete glutaman sodný, or other flavor enhancers. And doing everything for it, to be clear broth. But it is at home, you can build on your head, You do not do the same. But it is much tastier. without salt, no added affairs, which makes industry. So still do nečirý broth, You will enjoy much more!

Votes: 5
Rating: 5
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Ať děláte, co děláte, pokaždé se vám povede vývar trochu jiný, ale pořád skvělý. Takže dál můžete pokračovat v přípravě polévky nebo hlavních jídel, kde je vývar základem.
Votes: 5
Rating: 5
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Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
3-4 hodiny
Ať děláte, co děláte, pokaždé se vám povede vývar trochu jiný, ale pořád skvělý. Takže dál můžete pokračovat v přípravě polévky nebo hlavních jídel, kde je vývar základem.
Chicken broth II. | He always throws
How do you:
  1. Celer, mrkev i petržel nakrájíme na kostičky. Cibuli oloupeme, ale necháme vcelku. Skelet i křídla dobře propláchneme. Vše dáme i s kořením do velkého hrnce s vodou a přivedeme k varu.
  2. Jakmile se vývar začne vařit, stáhneme teplotu, aby voda jemně probublávala. Tomu se říká, že vývar táhneme. Čas od času sebereme z hladiny pěnu, která se vytvořila. Asi po hodině všechno opatrně promícháme a necháme dál mírně vařit.
  3. Po 4 hodinách odstavíme a necháme v klidu vychladnout. Pak všechny suroviny vyjmeme z hrnce, ty už nebudeme potřebovat. Po tak dlouhé době vaření předaly všechnu chuť do vývaru, takže je vyhodíme. I skelet a křídla. Pokud je vám masa líto, ochutnejte. Zjistíte, že si na něm dál už nepochutnáte. Ale nelitujte, všechno chutné zůstalo ve vývaru!
  4. Teď už jenom přecedíme do sklenic. Někdo doporučí jemné pláténko, tentokrát jsem nasadil "jenom" superjemné sítko. Faktem je, že touto cestou se ve vývaru uchová i tuk, ale to není na škodu. Vývar nebude čirý, ale to vám potvrdí i machři, že to není na škodu.

Tento vývar je základem třeba cizrnové polévky or kapustové polévky. Ochutnejte.