Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice

Maybe it will look, I dig into the open door, Yet everyone knows this. Bah! Even I remember well the school version, which gave food for long stigma almost unpalatability. But I will not weep and tear her hair, jangle memorial old scars, it is time to rehab.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice
Do you prepare
How do you:
  1. Mix the minced meat with egg, finely chopped onion and chopped garlic. add pepper, marjoram and salt to taste. Grate the potato mixture into. Prepare a compact mass.
  2. Peppers tops cut off the stem and put them aside, testicles and seeds from inside the peppers, remove. Then fill with meat mixture pepper, odkrojenými conclude that the tops of peppers - like lid.
  3. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Delete pan with butter, Put the peppers in it and they still put slices of butter. Bake 40-45 minutes. During cooking, you can pour a few tablespoons of hot water.
  4. Sauté onions in butter, add sugar and let it caramelize slightly. Mix a can of sliced ​​tomatoes and juice. Add the bay leaf and allspice, Add the vegetable broth and simmer for about milder 15 until 20 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, boil rice. One part rice, One and a half parts of water. Once the rice boils, pull the temperature and cover. Simmer for about 12 until 15 minutes, by rice.
  6. Add salt to the sauce, pepper and a teaspoon of lemon juice. pour cream (possibly mixed with a teaspoon of plain flour, if we have the sauce is too thin). Stir and simmer a minute. We still flavored sugar, podle chuti. Of sauces Remove bay leaf (and spices) and tyčovým mixer prošleháme.
  7. Peppers served with rice, topped with tomato sauce.
    Podáváme s rýži a přelijeme omáčkou

Baked mackerel with peppers and tomatoes | Never ending story

This recipe has many years of use, I did not actually know, which originated. Nejspíše má původ ve variantě šunkofleků nebo francouzských brambor, as they used to do at home. Over time, therefore, appeared variant with pasta, pak bramborami – a rybou. Nejspíše děláte něco podobného a málem také poslepu. Makrelu můžeme použít uzenou, or opečenou. A výsledek pořád bude stát za to.

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Vařit pro dva je vždycky trochu svízel, pokud nechcete jíst několik dní po sobě to samé. Někdy se to dá zvládnout do posledního sousta, někdy je potřeba roztočit mozkové závity a pokračovat v nějaké obdobě ze surovin, které jsou po ruce. A protože mi zůstala v kuchyni opečená makrela, chuťově totožná prakticky s tou uzenou, máme tu variaci zapečené ryby.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Vařit pro dva je vždycky trochu svízel, pokud nechcete jíst několik dní po sobě to samé. Někdy se to dá zvládnout do posledního sousta, někdy je potřeba roztočit mozkové závity a pokračovat v nějaké obdobě ze surovin, které jsou po ruce. A protože mi zůstala v kuchyni opečená makrela, chuťově totožná prakticky s tou uzenou, máme tu variaci zapečené ryby.
Baked mackerel with peppers and tomatoes | Never ending story
How do you:
  1. Brambory předvaříme ve slupce, about 5 minutes. Cibulku nakrájíme nadrobno, peppers, zbavenou semínek, napříč na kolečka. Oloupané brambory rozkrojíme podélně na čtvrtiny a pak je napříč nakrájíme na drobnější kousky.
  2. Na pánvi rozpustíme máslo a dáme zesklovatět cibulku.
    Zesklovatíme cibulku
  3. Přidáme papriku a brambory. Osolíme, přidáme špetku kmínu, bazalky a oregana. Promícháme a na mírném ohni dusíme 5 minut zakryté poklicí.
    Přidáme papriku a brambory
  4. Část směsi brambor dáme do zapékací misky. Na ni položíme kousky makrely zbavené všech kostí i kůže a překryjeme na kolečka nakrájeným rajčetem.
    První vrstva směsi ryby
  5. Rajčata překryjeme zbývající částí směsi brambor. Dáme do spodní části trouby předehřáté na 200 ° C and bake 20 until 25 minutes.
    Přidáme bramborovou směs
  6. Pečeme rybu
  7. Rozmícháme vejce ve smetaně a přidáme nadrobno nakrájenou goudu. Směsí zalijeme makrelu s bramborami. Return to oven and bake another 20 minutes. Posypeme špetkou oregana a necháme péct 5 minutes.
    Nalijeme smetanu
  8. Podáváme s kyselou okurkou.

Ředkvičkový salát s okurkou, rajčaty a smetanou | Slightly kitchen, slightly while falling asleep

Once you had driven off, I can not stop. No, I say this with hyperbole, But the popularity of salads grown with us. Is this jednoduché, fast as dinner at a later time and light. After a series of acidic salads I pulled milder card. This time, the cream dressing.

Votes: 1
Rating: 4
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Salad much experience do not need. Všechno nakrájíte, mix, pouring, vychladíte and inject. You have dinner in a few minutes. And if you wait just ten minutes, to advise the refrigerator cooling, a quarter of an hour they can serve dinner. Unless you have at home a fanatic opponent of vegetables and meat unambiguous preferenty.
Votes: 1
Rating: 4
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 5 minutes
Salad much experience do not need. Všechno nakrájíte, mix, pouring, vychladíte and inject. You have dinner in a few minutes. And if you wait just ten minutes, to advise the refrigerator cooling, a quarter of an hour they can serve dinner. Unless you have at home a fanatic opponent of vegetables and meat unambiguous preferenty.
Ředkvičkový salát s okurkou, rajčaty a smetanou | Slightly kitchen, slightly while falling asleep
How do you:
  1. Slice cucumber and radish slices, tomatoes into eighths, scallions (white and green part) on soft castors. mix together, osolíme a opepříme.
    Nakrájená zelenina
  2. Add the chopped dill.
    Přidáme nasekaný kopr
  3. Pour in the cream and mix well. Let the moment in the refrigerator to cool down.
    Přidáme smetanu
  4. Je hotovo

Baked penne with sausage and beans | Svižná večeře

Swiftly and quickly, It is the task. And it must be not only to eat, but also tasty. the obvious premise.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes
Baked pasta are matters, we know all. As it turns out depends mostly on ingredients, how else, that ? The tone in, how everything Mix. Clearly! When you notice further, Salt is here only as an assistant when cooking pasta, then no longer. Indeed, just one in klobásce. And the little pepper in the finals, It is actually almost negligible. And so it Ostré, Thanks spicy paprika and arranged even the most demanding boarder. And I know, I'm talking about.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
35 minutes
Baked pasta are matters, we know all. As it turns out depends mostly on ingredients, how else, that ? The tone in, how everything Mix. Clearly! When you notice further, Salt is here only as an assistant when cooking pasta, then no longer. Indeed, just one in klobásce. And the little pepper in the finals, It is actually almost negligible. And so it Ostré, Thanks spicy paprika and arranged even the most demanding boarder. And I know, I'm talking about.
Baked penne with sausage and beans
How do you:
  1. Boil the penne in salted water.
    Uvaříme penne
  2. Chop the onion and půlkolečka smahneme in oil and butter. Add to půlkolečka chopped sausage and diced peppers. Orestujeme. just as 3 minuty, to let fat sausage and pepper color and softened.
    Vše osmahneme
  3. Add the beans to the pan and leave on low heat for about 4 minuty.
  4. Casserole dish with butter gently erase. Do we bowl first layer - penne.
    Penne v misce
  5. Lay pasta and sausage mixture. toss gently.
    Vrstva č. 2
  6. Put the top layer, There is again penne.
    Vrchní vrstva
  7. Bake in oven preheated to 180- 200 ° C.To depends on your oven. Bake 10 minutes, then pour cream mixed with grated cheese and cream cheese, Again we bake.
    Přelijeme smetanou
  8. Zalijeme
  9. Filled pasta bake another 10 until 15 minutes, to get the top layer is golden brown.
    Zlatavá vrstva
  10. Serve with a garnish of cherry tomatoes or cucumbers.