Amatriciana in a slightly different role | Italy to the Czech table

Amatriciana sauce is so famous, that is until I'm afraid to touch it. Původní recept, který pochází z regionu Lazio, konkrétně z malého města Amatrice, blízko Říma. Blogerka Zuzka z Liberce (už jsem se tu o ná v souvislosti s italskou kuchyní zmínil) znalecky tvrdí, že amatricianu můžeme připravit buď s čerstvými rajčátky nebo z loupaných rajčat v plechovce. “Existuje řada variant, které se mění dům od domu a bývají původem pravidelných dohadů mezi Italy. Někteří například preferují použití pouze olivového oleje, jiní naopak upřednostňují sádlo, máslo či omastek ze samotného guanciale. Spory se vedou i okolo ostatních ingrediencích jako je například cibule či česnek,” říká Zuzana. Emanuele Ridi je echt Ital, který také poradí: “Do omáčky “all´amatriciana” se dává slanina, které se říká guanciale. Není uzená, jen sušená. Můžete použít i jinou slaninu. Podstatné je, aby pustila tuk a ten se propojil s chutí rajčat. Jen tak se vytvoří pravá chuť “all´amatriciana”.”

Votes: 4
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25-30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25-30 minutes
I shall commit a few differences, especially in the chosen materials. I use red onion and add chicken. Some confusion from my preparations dropped chilli, so feel free to chop off it and into the food. Also, when choosing pasta, anything is possible, from the right type of bucatini over macaroni (Emanuele volil je )after spaghetti, I drew me. I launched this time the wine and used water from the cooked pasta, Only three lžíce.Pokud not condemn chicken breasts, Try thigh steaks, or completely discard meat. I could cook without him, but the test is a test and it was a tasty lunch. Proč ne? Try it.
Votes: 4
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25-30 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 5 minutes
Cook Time
25-30 minutes
I shall commit a few differences, especially in the chosen materials. I use red onion and add chicken. Some confusion from my preparations dropped chilli, so feel free to chop off it and into the food. Also, when choosing pasta, anything is possible, from the right type of bucatini over macaroni (Emanuele volil je )after spaghetti, I drew me. I launched this time the wine and used water from the cooked pasta, Only three lžíce.Pokud not condemn chicken breasts, Try thigh steaks, or completely discard meat. I could cook without him, but the test is a test and it was a tasty lunch. Proč ne? Try it.
Amatriciana in a slightly different role | Italy to the Czech table
How do you:
  1. On the oil and fry the chopped bacon, so as to release fat and were crispy, After a while, add finely chopped onion, fry, then add the chopped garlic. We picked up the pan chicken and even while on a low flame restujeme. Meanwhile, boil pasta. In this recipe we will use the water from them. (You can opt for white wine, If you're quick and water from the spaghetti decant or you have a meal like the taste of wine.)
    Slaninu osmahneme
  2. Přihodíme cibuli
  3. Ještě přidáme česnek
  4. Ještě přidáme kuřecí maso
  5. add tomatoes, Water already spaghetti (or wine) and bring to the boil. Salt and pepper, podle chuti. Cover and simmer. Asi 10 minutes.
    Přidáme rajčata
  6. Stir in the chopped basil and mix.
    Nameleme pepř
  7. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and toss.
    Přidáme parmazán
  8. Serve garnished with slices sprinkled with Parmesan cheese or grated Parmesan cheese. Or without cheese, if just one in a meal.
    Podáváme se sýrem

Jak si poradíme s vařeným kuřecím masem? Přivedeme k varu 4 šálky vody a dáme do ní na střední kousky nakrájené kuřecí maso. Jakmile se voda opět začne vařit, necháme 2 minuty a pak odstavíme. Vodu slijeme.

Cooked chicken, I also used a recipe Chicken soup with poached egg. try it, it is great.

Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice

Maybe it will look, I dig into the open door, Yet everyone knows this. Bah! Even I remember well the school version, which gave food for long stigma almost unpalatability. But I will not weep and tear her hair, jangle memorial old scars, it is time to rehab.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Votes: 3
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Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Servings Prep Time
4 osoby 20 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Whenever I discover a recipe for stuffed peppers, filling necessarily includes rice. It's probably a ritual all cooks. But this time we change the assignment, because the rice will be as a supplement and it would, it seemed přerýžované. When mixing the meat filling was evident, It will need some thickening. That did procure rice, I've knocked out of action. So what you need to try a potato.
Stuffed peppers with tomato sauce | A classic with innovation | Potato instead of rice
Do you prepare
How do you:
  1. Mix the minced meat with egg, finely chopped onion and chopped garlic. add pepper, marjoram and salt to taste. Grate the potato mixture into. Prepare a compact mass.
  2. Peppers tops cut off the stem and put them aside, testicles and seeds from inside the peppers, remove. Then fill with meat mixture pepper, odkrojenými conclude that the tops of peppers - like lid.
  3. Troubu předehřejeme na 180 °C. Delete pan with butter, Put the peppers in it and they still put slices of butter. Bake 40-45 minutes. During cooking, you can pour a few tablespoons of hot water.
  4. Sauté onions in butter, add sugar and let it caramelize slightly. Mix a can of sliced ​​tomatoes and juice. Add the bay leaf and allspice, Add the vegetable broth and simmer for about milder 15 until 20 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, boil rice. One part rice, One and a half parts of water. Once the rice boils, pull the temperature and cover. Simmer for about 12 until 15 minutes, by rice.
  6. Add salt to the sauce, pepper and a teaspoon of lemon juice. pour cream (possibly mixed with a teaspoon of plain flour, if we have the sauce is too thin). Stir and simmer a minute. We still flavored sugar, podle chuti. Of sauces Remove bay leaf (and spices) and tyčovým mixer prošleháme.
  7. Peppers served with rice, topped with tomato sauce.
    Podáváme s rýži a přelijeme omáčkou

Paprikový klobásový guláš | Když už fakt nevíte coby

Already, také podlehnu rychlosti a požadavkům, jakože žádné extravagantní experimenty a tak; tohle je na přípravu svižná záležitost a tajně taky trochu experiment. Všechno nakrájíte, opečete, podusíte a hotovo.

Votes: 1
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Food, that can be cooked in many varieties. This time, I have included homemade marinated peppers, that donated supplies dwindled. So we'll do the magic, you agree?
Votes: 1
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Food, that can be cooked in many varieties. This time, I have included homemade marinated peppers, that donated supplies dwindled. So we'll do the magic, you agree?
Paprikový klobásový guláš | Když už fakt nevíte coby
How do you:
  1. Heat the pan and then put it in a tablespoon of oil. Once the oil is hot, toss the diced bacon and fry. Add the sliced ​​sausage and roast pepper.
  2. Throw into the pan, finely chopped onion and garlic, we squashed flat side of a knife and chop They cut. We'll onion and garlic 2 minuty, then add the diced pickled peppers and saute. Do not add finely chopped jalapeno. Everything from the pan Transfer to a casserole.
  3. After a while, until the foundation starts to boil, add chopped tomatoes. Stir and simmer for a while. Pour some hot water and add the broth trays. Paprika and cumin. simmer for a while.
  4. To the stew, add diced potatoes, seasoned with marjoram and if necessary, add hot water. Bring to boiling temperature and reduce. Cover and let gently bubbled through. cook for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes are soft.
  5. Garnish can put chopped scallions, Serve with fresh bread.
    Podáváme s chlebem.

Treska s chorizem, fazolemi a rajčaty

Zalovíme a little at sea. No, Just kidding, but i must cod fish with freezer in the Market.

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
18 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
18 minutes
Jídlo překvapivě rychlé, pokud odečtete dobu, kterou potřebujete na rozmrazení filetů tresky. Ale pak už to stojí nejen za pokus, ale i ochutnání. Je to dobrá věc.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
18 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
18 minutes
Jídlo překvapivě rychlé, pokud odečtete dobu, kterou potřebujete na rozmrazení filetů tresky. Ale pak už to stojí nejen za pokus, ale i ochutnání. Je to dobrá věc.
Treska s chorizem, fazolemi a rajčaty
How do you:
  1. Rozehřejeme olej v hluboké pánvi a na mírném ohni restujeme nakrájenou cibuli.
  2. Přidáme na drobno nakrájené chorizo a necháme z něho pustit tuk, promícháme. Do směsi zamícháme nakrájená rajčata. Pak ještě přilijeme trochu horké vody. Tolik, aby se zachovala hustější konzistence. Přivedeme k varu.
  3. Do rajčatové směsi nyní přidáme filety tresky, které jsme osolili a opepřili, teplotu snížíme a rybu povaříme na mírném ohni asi 7 minutes.
  4. Opatrně nyní vmícháme bílé fazole v tomatě a vaříme 2 until 3 minuty, aby se fazole prohřály.
  5. Do hotového jídla ještě nasypeme nasekanou petrželku.
    Přimícháme petržel.
  6. Serve with bread.
    Příloha je chleba.

Similarly, we can prepare párek s rajčaty a fazolemi. Navíc ještě přidáte penne.